Dear Students,
This is our first post assignment:
Write about your experiences during the first term of 2010.
- the relevant things you learned/studied
- the sports and free time activities you did
- the challenges you had to face
- Others (family, friends, etc..)
- Word Count: 200
This time, I’m also providing you an example of my own:
The last semester was terribly hectic. I started a couple of new jobs – parallel ones – and my first son was born. Because of all that I’ve been learning lots. In terms of academic staff, something very new to me, that still keeps me busy and confused at times, is the way we work with what we call evaluation matrix, which is a very complex and detailed organizer of competences to be develop by our students. This instrument is the one that should lead all our efforts to teach our students.
Concerning sports and free time, I’m very excited because last semester I finally went back to training. I’m a member of a club composed by alumni and ex alumni from my alma mater, and after two years, I’m attending again every Saturday. The one problem I have with that is that I’m not the same I used to be, so I get fatigued more easily than before, but I’m also achieving things I couldn’t do two years ago.
The biggest family challenge that I faced, and that I’m still facing, is the arrival of Pablo, my first and only son. Needless to say, it’s been very demanding and that I’m enjoying less sleep hours, but that’s nothing compared to the magic his brought to our lives.
I just hope this new semester ends up showing the fruits of the endeavors that began this year.
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